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Construction Technology 6th–8th (3528)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One semester or two semesters. May be taught as a six-, nine-, or 12-week portion of an 18-week wheel course; may be repeated for credit.
Course Description:
 This basic introductory course in woodworking emphasizes correct and safe use of hand tools and materials. Students are required to pass a safety test. Student interest in woodworking is developed through construction of practical projects. Emphasis is also placed on cooperative working relationships and career exploration.
State Course Code(s):
 7000 - Exploratory Career Technical Education
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Videotape series: Woodworking Power Tools; Table Saw & Accessories; Band Saw, Jointer/Surfacer, Aavim, 1989.
Wagner, Modern Woodworking, Goodheart-Willcox, 1990.
Feirer, Industrial Arts Woodworking, rev. ed., Bennett Publishing, 1982.