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Anatomy and Physiology for Health Careers 1,2 (P) (3005, 3006)
Anatomy and Physiology for Health Careers 3,4 (3007, 3008)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 Two to four semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Practical Arts
 UC subject area satisfied:
 g - College Preparatory Elective
Course Description:
 This course introduces students to concepts, laboratory techniques, and research tools for collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions from experiences as applied to careers in the healthcare industry. The course focuses on health promotion and disease prevention, with an emphasis on hands-on learning.

Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: (1) structural and functional characteristics of body systems; (2) disease and disorders; (3) health promotion and disease prevention; (4) emerging healthcare and biomedical careers.

Anatomy and Physiology for Health Careers 3,4 also explores additional body systems (integumentary, endocrine, and urinary), studying their structures and functions, as well as diseases and their prevention.

State Course Code(s):
 3005, 3006: 7900 - Introduction to Health Science and Medical Technology
3007, 3008: 7921 - Intermediate Patient Care (Concentrator)
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Colbert, Anatomy and Physiology and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals, Pearson, 2009.