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Computer Programming Techniques 1,2 (4441, 4442)    - SITE ADOPTED COURSE -

Approved Site(s):
 Approved for La Jolla and Morse High Schools. Other schools may not offer this course without prior approval from the Interdivisional Curriculum Committee.

Grade Range:
 Students must be enrolled in this course by their AP Computer Science teacher.
 Course duration:
 Two semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Practical Arts
Course Description:
 College Preparatory Course (P). This course meets the University of California’s g (college preparatory elective) subject-area requirement.

This two-semester computer programming course can move in two directions, depending on student needs. Students can choose either to prepare for the AP Computer Science A exam, or they can undertake computer projects on behalf of staff using their programming skills. Computer Science A emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with an emphasis on problem solving and algorithm development, and includes the study of data structures and abstraction. In the project option, students work closely with the teacher and staff member to develop timelines once a project is cleared. The student is then responsible for meeting the deadlines and requirements of the project as prescribed.

State Course Code(s):
  State Course code not defined or retired.
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Schools choose from among the available resources.