Courses in red are Site Adopted or Pilot courses and are NOT available at all locations.

6761American Government in World Affairs6927DHumanities ELD 7th Spanish Cluster
6747Ancient and Medieval World A6928DHumanities ELD 8th Spanish Cluster
6748Ancient and Medieval World B6579, 6580Identity/Agency in U.S. History 1-2
6691, 6692Big History 1,26736, 6737Introduction to Ethnic Studies 1,2
6517, 6518Business Ethics 1,26690Junior Model United Nations
6548, 6549Economics HL2 IB 1,26842Macroeconomics 2 AP
6763, 6764Economics SL 1,2 IB6841Microeconomics 1 AP
6759, 6760European History 1,2 AP6605, 6606Modern World History and Geography 1,2
6649, 6650Global Political and Economic Decisions 1,26945, 6946Power and Identity around the World 1,2
6757Government 16758Principles of Economics 1
6849Government and Politics: Comparative AP6834, 6835Psychology 1,2 AP
6839Government and Politics: United States AP6831, 6832Psychology and Restorative Practices 1,2
6723, 6724History HL1 1,2 IB6732, 6733Psychology HL1 IB 1,2
6961, 6962History of the Americas HL1 IB 1,26715, 6716Psychology HL2 IB 1,2
6647, 6648History of the Americas HL2 1,2 IB6713, 6714Psychology SL 1,2 IB
6643, 6644History SL IB 1,26519Social Studies 5th
6536History–Social Science 6th Advanced6520Social Studies 6th
6537History–Social Science 7th Advanced6520DSocial Studies 6th Spanish Cluster
6547History–Social Science 8th Advanced6771, 6772Theory of Knowledge IB 1,2
HSS1History–Social Studies Grade 16721, 6722United States History 1,2 AP
HSS2History–Social Studies Grade 26701, 6702United States History and Geography 1,2
HSS3History–Social Studies Grade 36711, 6712United States History and Geography 1,2 Honors
HSS4History–Social Studies Grade 46551United States History and Geography 8th
HSS5History–Social Studies Grade 56551DUnited States History and Geography 8th Spanish Cluster
HSS6History–Social Studies Grade 66645, 6646World History 1,2 Advanced
HSSKHistory–Social Studies Grade K6521World History and Geography 7th
HSSTKHistory–Social Studies Grade TK6521DWorld History and Geography 7th Spanish Cluster
6299NEW! History-Social Science 5th Advanced6639, 6640World History: Modern 1,2 AP
6511, 6512Human Geography 1,2 AP6683, 6684You and the Law 1,2
6954DNEW! Humanities ELD 6th Spanish Cluster