High School Level (Grades 9—12) Course of Study

The ELD course sequence (which includes Academic Language Development (ALD) Through Culture and Communication) is designed to develop academic language proficiency in English while simultaneously mastering grade level academic content in order to reclassify. It also attends to the particular English development language needs of At Risk or Long Term English Learners to promote high levels of English language proficiency. ELD instruction supports students as they progress through the levels of language proficiency: emerging, expanding, and bridging.

The English language proficiency assessment for California is the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). At the middle and high school levels (Grades 6-12), English learners are assessed to determine their levels of English language proficiency and placed in ELD courses designed to help them develop grade level academic language. Students are placed in one of the following four categories of courses:

  • Newcomer: These courses provide a comprehensive curriculum for new arrivals. They also provide accelerated support in foundational literacy skills. Some San Diego Unified schools offer specialized programs for students who are new to English, new to the country, new schooling and/ or have had extremely interrupted schooling.
  • Designated English Language Development (ELD) Sequence: These courses are designed for students at the earlier stages of English proficiency (Initial ELPAC novice or intermediate and Summative ELPAC minimally developed, somewhat developed, or moderately developed). Students are provided with scaffolded instruction focused on increasing language proficiency according to the state-adopted ELD standards.
  • Designated English Language Development/Academic Language Development (ELD/ALD): These courses are designed for students who are At Risk or Long Term English Learners. Students are provided with scaffolded instruction focused on increasing academic language proficiency according to the state-adopted ELD standards in order to reclassify.
  • English Language Arts (ELA) Sequence with ELD/SGI (English Language Development/Small Group Instruction): The ELD/SGI instruction courses are designed for students who are at all levels of English proficiency. These courses provide time during the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards to assist English learners to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. The ELD/SGI embedded dELD takes place within the English course. This course is both ELA and comprehensive ELD. Course descriptions can be found in the ELA Course Descriptions.

The chart below identifies the basic texts, supplemental resources, and assessment indicators used in the ELD course of study for grades 9-12.

Required dELD Newcomer Course Sequence Additional ELD Support Newcomer Course Sequence
(Optional-strongly encouraged)

Required dELD Development Course Sequence Additional dELD Support Course Sequence (Optional)

English Language Arts Sequence [earns ELA credit]
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Note: All content areas must provide Integrated ELD.

Academic Language Development Courses

*SIFE = Students with interrupted formal education.
† These courses described in the English Language Arts section of this publication.