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Music Grade 5 

Grade Range:
 Strands emphasized:
Creating performing; responding, connecting
Course Description:
 In this course, students will create, perform, respond, and connect to music at the developmentally appropriate level according to state and national standards. Students in grade 5 strengthen their understanding, analysis, and use of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, timbre, and texture through incorporation of all of the artistic processes. They become more skillful creators as they manipulate multiple elements of music to communicate purpose and expressive intent in their original improvisations and compositions. In rehearsal and performance, students demonstrate more self-sufficiency in vocal and instrumental technique, accuracy, expression, and professional conduct. Students further develop their ability to reflect on the creative processes, and evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness of works (their own and those by others) and performances (their own and those by others). They continue to expand their voice and role in music selection and are encouraged to explain their thinking about the connections between music and its purpose, context, and intent. There is continued exploration of and connection to music across genres, styles, cultures, and time periods.

State Course Code(s):
  - - -
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Making Music, Grade 5, Silver Burdett, 2005.
SDUSD VAPA Core Learnings, 2005.