Visual and Performing ArtsWith the passage of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, education in the visual and performing arts was written into federal law. The law acknowledges the arts as a core subject, as important to education as language arts, mathematics, history, science, and foreign languages. Furthermore, California law requires courses in visual and performing arts/foreign language for high school graduation. Both district-developed and district-adopted texts and guides are used throughout the TK–12 curriculum. Elementary-level music and art are taught using state-approved commercial textbook series. Theatre and dance are taught at the discretion of classroom teachers and often are used as pedagogical strategies to improve learning. Education Code Section 51210 mandates for grades 1 through 6 study in visual and performing arts, including instruction in the subjects of art and music, aimed at the development of aesthetic appreciation and the skills of creative expression. Education Code Section 51220 mandates for grades 7 through 12 study in visual and performing arts, including dance, music, theatre, and visual art, with emphasis on development of aesthetic appreciation and the skills of creative expression. |