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Art History 1,2 (P) (0291, 0292)

Grade Range:
 A grade of B or better in English 1,2 and/or recommendation of teacher or counselor
 Course duration:
 Two semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Visual and Performing Arts
 UC subject area satisfied:
 f - Visual and Performing Arts
Course Description:
 This course is designed for students who would typically be enrolled in advanced and honors courses. The course provides in-depth study of the cultural backgrounds, contributions, and functions of art, past and present, including the contributions of various ethnic groups. It explores themes which have impelled artists to create, provides intellectual bases for making aesthetic judgments in the visual arts in relation to personal and community life, and develops the capacity to enjoy aesthetic expression in diverse forms. Discussions, field trips, and slide/film study are a major part of instruction. Students typically will complete a research paper on a specific period of art history of their choosing related to their area of interest.

State Course Code(s):
 9001 - Art History
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Each site selects its own resources from available instructional media.
SDUSD VAPA Core Learnings, 2005.