Racial/Ethnic Distribution 2021-22

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Demographic reports for District Managed Schools.
Report Type Description
Smarter Balanced Assessment(SBA)    
ELA-Math By Grade ELA-Math Achievement Levels by Grade
ELA-Math by Group ELA-Math Achievement Levels by Group
ELA-Math Multi-year Demographic Summary ELA-Math Multi-year Demographic Summary
California School Dashboard    
California School Dashboard
Cal-SCHLS Survey Reports    
Student Survey Results (CHKS) Elementary Resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate
Student Survey Results (CHKS) Secondary Resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate
Staff Survey Results (CSSS) Staff perceptions about learning and teaching conditions
Parent Survey Results (CSPS) Parent's perceptions about learning and teaching conditions
Climate Report Card (SCRC) Elementary Elementary School Climate Index
Climate Report Card (SCRC) Secondary This report does not exist.