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School Climate Reports 2017-18

CalSCHLS, comprised of three surveys (California Healthy Kids Survey or CHKS, California School Parent Survey or CSPS, and California School Staff Survey or CSSS), is a research-based assessment of all the major domains of school climate as it affects students, staff, and parents:

The content of the three surveys is aligned so that responses on common questions and summary measures can be compared across students, staff, and parents. A unique feature of CalSCHLS is its strength-based focus and theoretical framework drawn from resilience and youth development research. It provides data on protective factors that mitigate against the effects of stress, trauma, and other risk factors.

Report Type:

Elementary Climate Report Card
Secondary Climate Report Card
Elementary Healthy Kids Survey
Secondary Healthy Kids Survey
Parent Survey
Staff Survey

Select location:

2018-19    2017-18    2016-17