
All students in the district will benefit from a relevant and coherent science education that promotes twenty-first-century skills, scientific literacy, and an appreciation and wonder for science.

Students must have the opportunity to do science through the use of the Science and Engineering Practices. They are expected to grow their skills in the investigative practices (asking questions, planning and carrying out investigations, and using mathematics and computational thinking) from the simple tasks of making observations to the complex tasks of creating simulations to test their predictions. Students need to make sense of their science learning through modeling, constructing explanations, and analyzing and interpreting data. Finally, students should learn to critique their work, the work of others, public resources, and other relevant materials, using the practices of engaging in argument from evidence and critically evaluating resources.

Science instruction from transitional kindergarten through grade 12 should reflect the conceptual shifts of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These include science education that reflects the interconnected nature of science, the use of NGSS standards as performance expectations, coherent science content from grade to grade with a focus on depth and the application of acquired science knowledge, integration of engineering practices into science instruction, alignment with the Common Core State Standards, and a focus on preparing students for college, career, and citizenship.