Physical Education Standards and Framework |
In January 2005, the California Board of Education approved the Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. The content standards define what a student should know and be able to do as a result of a quality physical education program. There are five overarching content standards for grades TK–8 and three overarching content standards for grades 9–12. Additionally, numerous grade- or course-level performance standards are associated with each overarching standard and are evaluated accordingly. The standards are progressive in design, with each grade level building on the previous one. Therefore, skills and knowledge from previous grade and course levels serve as important foundations for attaining the standards at the current grade or course level.
OVERARCHING STANDARDS FOR HIGH SCHOOL The state's Physical Education content standards are available here. In September 2008, the California Board of Education adopted the Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade 12. The framework supports the alignment of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and instructional resources to the state-adopted model content standards. The state's curriculum framework is available here. Visit the district's Physical Education home page here.