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Transition Skills 11th–12th (7365)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One semester; may be repeated for credit
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
Course Description:
 This course is designed for students with IEPs in order to meet the domains of Transition (section 602a) of IDEA. Students identify and explore personal traits through the Person Centered Plan process. They gain knowledge of nutrition and fitness, technology, and sexual health. Students develop a positive awareness of themselves through units on making choices, building a healthy lifestyle, living in your community, and building healthy relationships. The scope of coursework includes: developing a Person Centered Plan; describing their disabilities and what accommodations they need to support their learning; demonstrating computer literacy; developing a Career Cruising portfolio; developing positive personal choices; exploring a variety of coping skills in dealing with anxiety, stress, and anger; developing a portfolio of resources for life after K–12 education; preparing for academic accommodations in a post- secondary system; and navigating their community to access employment, education, and resources.

State Course Code(s):
 1000 - Self-Contained Class
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Everyday Life Skills, 2001.
SDUSD Transition Skills Curriculum, 2006.
SDUSD Transition Skills Curriculum, 2008.