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Applied Government 1 (7359)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One semester
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 This course teaches core curriculum concepts but does not meet district standards for a diploma.
Course Description:
 This covers the basic structure of a three-part federal government, the responsibilities of each branch, the checks and balances inherent in the Constitution, and the individual rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Students develop pictorial representations of the seven articles of the Constitution and the 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights. They develop a visual organizer or other pictorial representation of the three branches of government and demonstrate an understanding of the check and balance system they form. Students identify and discuss their own rights and responsibilities as citizens, as well as the dignity and worth of all citizens. Students reflect on how their own political beliefs and attitudes were acquired from family, friends, and school.

State Course Code(s):
  State Course code not defined or retired.
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, and You, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2008.