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Physics 1,2 Advanced (P) (6321, 6322)

Grade Range:
 Integrated Math I A-B with a grade of A or B or Integrated Math I A-B Advanced with a grade of C or better
 Course duration:
 Two semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 UC subject area satisfied:
 d - Laboratory Science

Please only use for remediation purposes for classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

Course Description:

Please only use for remediation purposes for classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

This two-semester laboratory science course is more rigorous and mathematically demanding than the basic physics course. It is designed to provide an introductory experience to the processes of investigating the physical world and the understandings derived from those processes. The emphasis is on developing a qualitative conceptual understanding of general principles and models and of the nature of scientific inquiry. The core content addresses the topics of motion and forces, the conservation of energy and momentum, heat and thermodynamics, waves and electric and magnetic phenomena. The course is aligned to NGSS, integrating Disciplinary Core Ideas from Physical Science and Earth and Space Science, Crosscutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices.

State Course Code(s):
 9326 - Physics
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Zitzewitz et al., Physics: Principles and Problems, California ed., Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Supplemental Resources
Science Safety Handbook for California Public Schools, California Department of Education, 2014.