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Multilevel English 7th–8th (7509)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One semester; multiple credit allowed
Course Description:
 Parallel courses: English 7th and English 8th. Multilevel English 7th–8th is the first course in a four-course English series designed to provide special education students with an adapted program that parallels district curriculum. In this course, students develop thinking, speaking, and writing skills within a context of core and extended literary works.
State Course Code(s):
  State Course code not defined or retired.
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Scope English Anthology, Level Z, Scholastic, 1988.
Scholastic Scope Level Z, Writing and Language, Scholastic, 1989.
Morris, Lincoln Writing Dictionary, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
Multilevel English 7–8: Core Literature Teacher’s Guide, San Diego City Schools, 1989, Item No. 3069.
Multilevel English 7–8: Core Literature Teacher’s Guide, Volume 2, San Diego City Schools, 1990–91, Item No. 3070.
Multilevel English 7–8: Core Literature Teacher’s Guide and Spelling Supplement, San Diego City Schools, 1990–91, Item No. 3072.
Supplementary Resources
Core literature: Experiencing Poetry; My Brother Sam Is Dead; Sounder; Collection: “Gettysburg Address,” “I Have a Dream,” “The Concord Hymn.”