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Science 5th (6210)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One or two semesters
Course Description:
 This course is for grade 5 students in a middle-school scheduling environment. By the end of grade 5, students understand that elements and their combinations account for all the varied types of matter in the world; plants and animals have structures for respiration, digestion, waste disposal, and transport of materials; water on Earth moves between the oceans and land through the processes of evaporation and condensation; energy from the Sun heats Earth unevenly, causing air movements that result in changing weather patterns; and the solar system consists of planets and other bodies that orbit the sun in predicable paths. Students plan, conduct, and write reports of simple investigations using independent and controlled variables, appropriate measurement tools, and graphs. They support their conclusions with evidence from qualitative and quantitative data.

State Course Code(s):
 9320 - Science (Departmentalized K-6)
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 “Water Planet,” FOSS Full Option Science System, Delta Education, 2009.
“Mixtures and Solutions,” FOSS Full Option Science System, Delta Education, 2009.
“Living Systems,” FOSS Full Option Science System, Delta Education, 2009.