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Physical Education 7th (5501)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 Two semesters; 400 minutes every 10 school days
Course Description:
 This course is intended to help students meet or exceed grade 7 physical education content standards 1–5 and the corresponding performance standards 1.1–5.5.

Movement Focus

  • Manipulative skills: demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: overhand, sidearm, and underhand throw; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
  • Rhythmic skills: perform multicultural dances.
  • Combinations of movement patterns and skills: combine manipulative with locomotor and nonlocomotor skills into movement patterns; demonstrate body management and object manipulation skills for successful participation in individual/dual activities such as track and field, combative activities, and adventure/outdoor activities.
  • Movement concepts: analyze movements/correct errors; use motor learning principles to support skill development; explain spin and rebound principles; understand basic offense and defense strategies.

Fitness Focus

  • Assess the five health-related components of fitness using state fitness assessment tools; compare individual results; develop individual fitness goals and a one-week fitness plan; participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity; assess attainment of personal goals and make necessary adjustments; explain effects of physical activity on heart rate; relationship between physical activity and nutrition; apply principles of exercise: progression, overload, specificity.

Social Focus
  • Self-responsibility: identify activity risks; accept responsibility for individual improvement.
  • Social interaction: accept differences of others.
  • Group dynamics: evaluate expressions of encouragement; identify role of a leader.
State Course Code(s):
 9311 - Physical Education (Departmentalized 6-8)
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2005.
Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2009.
FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual, 4th ed., Cooper Institute, 2007.