Exiting Students from SDUSD

The purpose of this page is to alert you to the tool in PowerSchool for documenting where students go after leaving our district.

Each secondary school is responsible for entering their students' exit information on an ongoing basis. Schools will know which students' documentation needs to be updated by running a report in PowerSchool. Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete the District Exit page.

Please click here for the state’s definition of a dropout.
Please click here for FAQs about filling out the District Exit page.

The following list of common scenarios will assist you in determining the correct exit code. Click here for a complete list of the state exit codes and a detailed description of the definition of each code.


Status to Select

Student moved within California (to Los Angeles or Carlsbad, or Fresno, or San Francisco, etc.)

Find out if the student is enrolled in school there?
If yes:
T160 — Transferred to another California public school (Grades 7-12) or
T180 — Transferred to a California Private School
If no:
E140 — Dropout, no known enrollment

Student moved to another state.

If it is known that the student is not enrolled in school:
E140 — Dropout, no known enrollment
T200 — Transferred to a school in another state

Student moved to another country. (This includes exchange students who went back to their home country.)

T240 — Moved to another country

Student is in Juvenile Hall, Summit, Sarah Anthony, or any other county program.

T160 — Transferred to another California public school

Student is enrolled in an adult education program, working towards a GED or high school diploma. For example, Continuing Education’s Educational Cultural Complex (ECC), Miramar, Mesa, City College, Centre City, Cesar Chavez, Mid-City, North City, etc

T260 — Transferred to an adult education program

Student is enrolled in college, working towards an AA or BA degree.

T280 — Transferred to college for an AA/BA degree

Student is going to Job Corps or Urban Corps

Confirm that the student is taking classes to get a GED
T370 — Transferred to an institute for a HS Diploma

Student enlisted in the military

T380 — Transferred to an institute NOT for a HS Diploma

Student graduated from another school district

T160 — Transferred to another California public school (Grades 7-12) or
T180 — Transferred to a California Private School or
T200 — Transferred to a school in another state

Student completed a GED at another school

Find out the type of school and code appropriately:
T260 — Transferred to an adult education program or
T370 — Transferred to an institute for a HS diploma

Student is an Option 2 graduate

250 — Adult Ed High School Diploma

Student is a JDP grad or graduated from an HSDP program

250 — Adult Ed High School Diploma

Student is a non-diploma bound Special Ed student who received a Certificate of Completion (or a prior Letter of Recognition)

120 — Received Special Education certificate of completion

Student was expelled.

If the student enrolled somewhere in California, including Sarah Anthony, Camp Barrett, or even Juvenile Hall after being expelled:
T165 — Expelled – enrolled in another California public school
If the student did not enroll in school anywhere after being expelled:
E300 — Expelled, not enrolled

Student is being home schooled

Ask if student is enrolled in a home schooling program that is affiliated with a public or privates school/district.
T160 — Transferred to another California public school or
T180 — Transferred to a California Private School or
T200 — Transferred to a school in another state

Student was supposed to show up at your school but didn’t.

N470 — No Show – Enrollment Dropped