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Physical Education Grade TK/K 

Grade Range:
Course Description:

This course is intended to help students meet or exceed kindergarten physical education content standards 1–5 and the corresponding performance standards 1.1–5.5.

Movement Focus

  • Movement concepts: spatial and body awareness; speed, levels, relationships; personal and general space.
  • Body management: static and dynamic balance, relationships; body parts and base of support.
  • Locomotor movement: rolling, jumping, and traveling in different pathways and directions.
  • Manipulative skills: striking, tossing, kicking, and bouncing; role of the eyes when striking an object; points of contact when kicking an object.
  • Rhythmic and dance skills: moving to a steady beat; clapping to a simple beat.

Fitness Focus

  • Fitness concepts: activities that are enjoyable; nutritional aspects of water and food.
  • Aerobic capacity: moderate to vigorous physical activity; location and function of the heart and lungs during activity.
  • Muscular strength/endurance: hang, climb, and muscle involvement in these activities.
  • Flexibility: stretch without bouncing and identification of body parts during stretching.
  • Body composition: sustain continuous movement for increased periods of time; body components.
  • Assessment: indicators of increased capacity for vigorous physical activity.

Social Focus

  • Self-responsibility: emotional results of physical activity; willingness to participate.
  • Social interaction: characteristics of sharing; positive social interaction.
  • Group dynamics: leading and following during activity.

State Course Code(s):
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Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2005.
Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2009.