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Physical Education Grade 5 

Grade Range:
Course Description:

This course is intended to help students meet or exceed grade 5 physical education content standards 1–5 and the corresponding performance standards 1.1–5.8.

Movement Focus

  • Body management: perform small group balance stunts by sharing distribution of weight and base of support.
  • Locomotor movement: jump for height and distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
  • Manipulative skills: enter, jump and leave a turning long rope; throw an object for accuracy using a backhand, underhand, or overhand movement; field a thrown ball; strike a ball using: (1) a punting movement; (2) a bat; (3) a racket or paddle with a forehand or backhand movement, or underhand movement over a net; dribble a ball with hand or foot defensively and kick toward a guarded goal; pass with a partner using a chest or bounce pass; volley a tossed ball to a specific location.
  • Rhythmic skills: design and perform a dance with varied locomotor patterns, changes in speed and direction; design a routine to music while manipulating an object.

Fitness Focus

  • Fitness concepts: demonstrate how to warm-up muscles and joints prior to activity; plan a healthy diet.
  • Aerobic capacity: participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity 3–4 days per week with increased time.
  • Muscular strength/endurance: increase number of oblique curl-ups and triceps push-ups.
  • Flexibility: perform stretches for specific muscle areas.
  • Body composition: sustain continuous movement for increased periods of time; calorie intake/expenditure; benefits of healthy fitness zone for body composition.
  • Assessment: assess and meet age- and gender-specific fitness standards for the state-mandated fitness test.

Social Focus

  • Self-responsibility: improve performance on one component of the FITNESSGRAM; work toward a long term activity goal and record data; distinguish between acts of physical courage and reckless acts, explain the difference; act in a safe manner when confronting negative peer pressure.
  • Social interaction: contribute and listen to ideas during problem solving activities; orally acknowledge the contributions of others.
  • Group dynamics: accommodate individual differences in others; appreciate games and activities that reflect diversity.

State Course Code(s):
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Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2005.
Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2009.
FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual, 4th ed., Cooper Institute, 2007.