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Physical Education Grade 1 

Grade Range:
Course Description:

This course is intended to help students meet or exceed grade 1 physical education content standards 1–5 and the corresponding performance standards 1.1–5.6.

Movement Focus

  • Movement concepts: spatial and body awareness while employing a variety of locomotor skills, relationships, levels, directions, pathways, speeds, tempos, and force.
  • Body management: balance using symmetrical, asymmetrical shapes and on a variety of body parts.
  • Locomotor movement: roll forward; employ different take-offs and landings; jump a swinging rope; distinguish between different locomotor movements.
  • Manipulative skills: demonstrate and explain different throwing and catching patterns; kicking; striking; dribbling using hands and feet.
  • Rhythmic skills: movement in response to music.

Fitness Focus

  • Fitness concepts: participate in and identify physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging; importance of water and nutritious food during physical activity.
  • Aerobic capacity: moderate to vigorous physical activity; function, changes and location of heart and lungs during activity.
  • Muscular strength/endurance: upper body strength; importance of muscular strength; relationship of prolonged physical activity to endurance.
  • Flexibility: stretch without hyper-flexing or extending; proper position while stretching; range of motion.
  • Body composition: sustain continuous movement for increased periods of time; body components.
  • Assessment: indicators of increased capacity; measure the change in activity levels.

Social Focus

  • Self-responsibility: willingness to participate; acceptable responses to challenges.
  • Social interaction: sharing; cooperation; invitation skills.
  • Group dynamics: aspects of an effective partner and effective practices for working with a group.

State Course Code(s):
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Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2005.
Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, California Department of Education, 2009.