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Power and Identity around the World 1,2 (6945, 6946)    - PILOT COURSE -

Pilot Site:
 Pilot course for Mt. Everest Academy, Lincoln, Morse and Point Loma High Schools. Other schools may not offer this course without prior approval from the Interdivisional Curriculum Committee.

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 Two semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Ethnic Studies and World History
 UC subject area satisfied:
 a - History-Social Science
Course Description:
 In this course, students will study world history from the late 1700s to the present while examining the following strands: history, geography, economics, culture, hegemony, and ethics. The course thematically explores how power and identity shape national identity, international relations, constitutional heritage, and citizenship. By analyzing primary and secondary sources from diverse perspectives throughout the world, students develop arguments and apply historical reasoning, such as contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time in order to evaluate instances of oppression and movements towards equity. Students will understand the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to current world issues. The curriculum is designed to empower all students to engage socially and politically and to think analytically and critically about the world around them. Students will also assess how individuals can make a difference and become advocates by challenging prejudice, exclusion, injustice in society, and become protectors of the environment, by becoming civically engaged agents of change.
State Course Code(s):
 9172 - World History
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Modern World History: Patterns and Interactions, McDougal Littel, 7th edition, 2006