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Environmental Engineering and Sustainability 1,2 (3719, 3720)    - PILOT COURSE -

Pilot Site:
 Pilot course approved for Madison High School. Other schools may not offer this course without prior approval from the Interdivisional Curriculum Committee.

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 Two semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Practical Arts
 UC subject area satisfied:
 g - College Preparatory Electives
Course Description:
 Environmental Engineering and Sustainability is year two of the Environmental Engineering Pathway. Students build on their knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD), the engineering design process, and project management to research, analyze and apply real world environmental solutions to clean energy, sustainable food production, land use planning and fundamental concepts related to sustainability. Students learn to create model prototypes, receive feedback from “clients” and incrementally improve their prototypes, all while documenting the process. They collect and analyze data to inform decisions and share their data visually using charts, graphs, and geographic information systems (GIS). Students work in teams that create engineering design briefs for each of a series of progressively more difficult hands-on-projects and present their solutions to the “client”. This class enhances students’ abilities to integrate intermediate-level CAD skills into the design, engineering, and collaborative team processes. In addition, students will investigate and develop a personalized career path through a series of research-based career projects.

State Course Code(s):
 7740 - Intermediate Environmental Engineering (Concentrator)
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 SEI Energize Schools Curriculum and online resources

Supplemental Resources
Water Career Pathways Curriculum, SOLIDWORKS Software, Department of Energy: Energy Sources