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Consumer and Family Sciences Explorations (1032)

Grade Range:
 Course duration:
 One semester. May be taught as a six-, nine-, or 12-week portion of an 18-week wheel course; may be repeated for credit.
Course Description:
 In this exploratory course students are actively engaged in the study of personal, family, and peer relationships; child care and development; consumer decision making; personal image; foods and nutrition; living environments; careers related to family and consumer sciences; and roles as participants in school and community.
State Course Code(s):
 7001 - Exploratory Family and Consumer Sciences (Grades 6-8)
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Kelly-Plate and Eubanks, Today’s Teen, Glencoe, 2004.

Supplementary Resources:
Middle Grades Home Economics Curriculum Guide, Volume II, Units III–V, California Department of Education, 2000.
Bailey, Discovering Life Skills, Glencoe, 2004.