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Technology Support Services 1,2 (8923, 8924)
Technology Support Services 3,4 (8925, 8926)
Technology Support Services Community Classroom 5,6 (8939, 8940)

Grade Range:
 Computer Science 1,2
 Course duration:
 Two to four semesters
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Practical Arts; community classroom sections may be repeated for credit
 Students competing this course with a grade of A or B are eligible to earn up to 4 units of community college credit.
Course Description:
 This course is designed as an advanced-level class for career paths in computer science and information systems, and electronic technology. It provides entry-level training in the design, development, implementation and support of an organizational technology plan. Students get hands-on experience in a variety of areas, including software and hardware troubleshooting, computer repair and maintenance, help desk, and networking essentials. Employment possibilities include systems engineer, technical service and support, and network specialist. A range of 360 to 500 hours is needed to complete the course.

Paid and unpaid internships are part of the course curriculum.

This course reinforces Common Core State Standards and California Career Technical Education model curriculum standards in a relevant, applied setting.

State Course Code(s):
 8923, 8924: State Course code not defined or retired.
8925, 8926: State Course code not defined or retired.
8939, 8940: State Course code not defined or retired.
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Each site selects its own resources from available publications.