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Tools for the Digital Age 1,2 (8651, 8652)
Tools for the Digital Age 1-2 (8508)
Tools for the Digital Age 3,4 (8653, 8654)
Tools for the Digital Age 3-4 (8509)
Tools for the Digital Age Community Classroom 5,6 (8655, 8656)

Grade Range:
 Computer Applications in Business 1,2; Algebra 1-2
 Recommended Preparation:
 Business 100 1,2
 Course duration:
 Two- to four-semester course (see below)
Subject area in which graduation credit will be given:
 Practical Arts; community classroom sections may be repeated for credit
Course Description:

This course provides entry-level, upgrade, and advanced training in business and computer applications preparing students for both college and a career. Instruction includes units in the following areas: software applications (word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, and graphics), business practices, business math, reference materials, filing and records management, and electronic communications. Optional topics may include desktop publishing, web design, and international business procedures. Employment possibilities include database administrator, graphic designer, information systems analyst, administrative assistant and records technician.

This course is offered in single-period and double-period formats. Paid and unpaid internships are part of the course curriculum.

This course is designed to reinforce core academic content areas and the curriculum standards of the California Career Technical Education model in a relevant, applied setting, appropriate to the subject and grade level.

Note: Students competing this course with a grade of A or B are eligible to earn up to 13 units of community college credit.

State Course Code(s):
 8651, 8652: State Course code not defined or retired.
8508: State Course code not defined or retired.
8653, 8654: State Course code not defined or retired.
8509: State Course code not defined or retired.
8655, 8656: State Course code not defined or retired.
Basic Texts and Teaching Guides:
 Each site selects its own resources from available publications.